Studio Policies

  • Registration –  Each Fall we open registration to all students, new and returning. Fall Open Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Families in our Fall Session will be automatically enrolled in our Spring Session on December 2, and Spring registration for new students opens to the public on December 3. Summer registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Payment options are cash, check, ACH, or credit card. You can sign up online, over the phone, or in person. 

    Families registering will be directed to enroll in Auto Pay, where tuition is billed monthly on the first of each month and installments are made across the session. Families wishing to pay in full, may do so by sending a request to our office. Please use this form after registering and making your first payment. Office Staff will add the balance to your account.

  • Auto Pay Policies - Automatic payments will be charged on the 1st of the month. If a family wishes to withdraw from a class, a written request must be made via the Withdrawal Form by the 25th of the previous month in order to discontinue Auto Pay. If an account is past due, a student cannot attend class until the account is made current. 

  • Late Payment Fee: Auto-pay may fail if your payment method is not up to date. If your payment fails, you will receive a notification email. Our Operations Manager may also reach out to you with a reminder to update your payment method. If your tuition payment is not received by the 10th of the month, a $25 late fee will be added to your account. If your auto-pay fails twice in one semester, a $50 fee fee will be added to your account. If auto-pay fails three times in a semester, a $75 fee will be added to your account and you will no longer be eligible for monthly payments. At this time, you must pay the semester tuition in full at registration in order to continue in class.

  • Card on File Policy - All That Dance requires that a card be on file to secure your dancer’s registration. ATD acknowledges that using a credit card to pay for classes may not be optimal for all families, and as such, the following policy can be agreed to by both parties in order to make alternate payments that do not include running a credit card. (However, a credit card will still need to be on file). 

    Should a family wish to pay for class by cash or check, the following document needs to be signed and payment for each month's class(es) via cash or post-dated checks (for each monthly payment) at the time of registration. Please only complete this form if you would like to pay without having your credit card run on the first of each month. If we do not receive payment (cash or check) before the 1st of each month, then ATD will run the credit card on file. 

  • Financial Assistance – our studio strives to make dance accessible for all. Please click here to learn more about our Financial Assistance Programs.

  • Placement – Students are carefully placed in each class according to age, ability level, attention span, and effort. This is a reflection of caring teachers who want to find a class that best suits each dancer’s needs. Students who attend spring session will receive a class placement for the following fall. Students new to our studio are welcome to request a placement by emailing and invited to attend a free trial class.

  • Dance Attire – With safety and inclusivity as priorities, our studio has specific suggestions on what to wear to dance class. Please use the Dance Attire Requirements as a reference for all the genres we offer. Our studio hosts a ‘borrow shoe bin’ - take a pair, leave a pair. We do not allow dancers to take class in socks.

  • Cancellations – All classes are subject to possible cancellation based on low enrollment. In the event that your class or camp is canceled, we will make every attempt to find a comparable class at a suitable day and time. If your schedule does not allow for a change, you will be refunded for any remaining classes that have already been paid for at the time of cancellation.

  • Low Attendance Shortened Class - If a class has low attendance on any date, the teacher may run a shortened class to keep student safety in mind. This will be determined as follows: If one student is in attendance, class will run for 15 minutes before sending them home. If two to four students attend class, it will run shortened class (minimum of 30 minutes). If five or more students are in attendance, class will run as usual. Grown ups will be notified of a shortened class time via phone call so they can be ready for class pick up at a different time.

  • Withdrawal Process –  If you need to withdraw from a class after registering and making payment, you may be eligible for a studio credit or refund, depending on the date and circumstances of the withdrawal. Families can withdraw from a class by filling out the withdrawal form. For specific information, please see our Withdrawal Policy page. No refunds are given, unless a family has paid their tuition in full and the request to withdraw has been submitted prior to the start of the session (Spring 2025: January 6). For Spring 2025: Families who withdraw prior to December 25 may receive their June Tuition (paid at the time of registration) back as a refund or credit. Families who withdraw after December 25 will not be charged future tuition, but are not eligible for a refund. Please note: the Registration Cost ($40 per family) is non-refundable.

  • Emergency/Weather Closure –  If the Seattle Public Schools are closed, then the studio is closed as well. On late start days and non-school days (weekends), we will assess the safety of opening the studio and post our decision to social media (Facebook and Instagram) as well as update our website and voicemail.

  • Health & Wellness Policy - All That Dance supports the health & wellness of all in its community. Please click here to learn more about what to do if your dancer is sick, injured, etc.

  • Makeup Classes – If a class is missed, a make-up class in a similar level and age group can be scheduled with approval from office staff. To request a makeup class (one at a time, please), call us at (206) 524-8944 or email us at  We do not allow classes to be made up during the first week of a semester, Watching Week, or once the session has ended.

  • Repeat Absence Policy - Dancers who miss two or more weeks of class in a row will be contacted via email and phone checking in. If a dancer has missed five weeks of class in a row with no contact from family, this dancer will be dropped from class to avoid future tuition charges.

  • Communication –  We try our best to keep our community informed, well in advance, of important deadlines and dates. Primary tools include our website, social media, emails to families, and in-studio verbal and written announcements on our whiteboards and calendars.

  • Photos and Social Media – All That Dance maintains the right to take photos and/or videos of its dancers or guests. The photographs and videos are intended for marketing and promotional use on our website and social media and do not name or disclose personal information of those within the images. To request that no public photos be used of your dancer, please go to the Waivers section of your Parent Portal and complete the Photo Opt Out Waiver.

  • Watching Class –  Parents, friends, and family are invited onto the studio floor to watch the entire lesson during designated Watching Weeks. Caregivers are not permitted to observe class each week, only on specified days. To learn more about our no-watching policy, click here.

  • Bathroom Breaks – For dancers in our preschool program, we ask that you take them to the bathroom and wash hands before class begins in hopes of remaining in class the whole time. If a dancer needs to use the bathroom during class, a staff member will escort the dancer to the restroom and offer assistance with dressing/undressing. For dancers still in diapers, we ask that a caretaker remain in the lobby to assist with diaper changes if needed (we are not licensed to do so). Dancers age 5 and older may use the restroom on their own and return to class.

  • Timely Drop-off/Pick-up  Parents/caregivers are responsible for dropping off and picking up students on time and students who are minors must be accompanied by an adult when leaving the building. Students under the age of 7 must be picked up outside their classroom door. Please notify your child’s instructor if a different adult will be picking them up and please call the studio if you are unable to arrive by the class pick-up time. If a parent/caregiver is more than 15 minutes late for pick up, the studio reserves the right to add a $25 late pick-up fee onto their account.

  • Parking - Our studio lot is located on the northwest side of the building. Surrounding 2-hour street parking is available where posted. For dancer drop-off, please turn northwest onto NE Blakeley St from 35th Ave to allow your dancer to exit the car from the passenger side and avoid crossing traffic. Parking is not permitted in our drop-off area (load/unload zone) on the southwest side of the building where the front entrance is located. 

  • Code of Conduct – We intend for students, families and staff of All That Dance to act in a positive and constructive way and for each of us to utilize kindness, respect and integrity as the foundation for building lasting relationships inside and out of our ATD community. Please review our policy on the Code of Conduct page.

  • Removal from Studio Activities –  All That Dance also reserves the right to discontinue a dancer’s participation in class if the behavior becomes a distraction for the instructor and/or classmates. In this instance, we will make every effort to work with the family to find a resolution to the behavior before using this option. All That Dance also reserves the right to discontinue services if a student’s caregiver has treated staff, students, or fellow families in a rude, threatening, or demeaning way. All That Dance values the positive, welcoming community that has been established and built upon for 30 seasons.