All That Dance Honor Club
All That Dance Honor Club provides opportunities for community service through dance in ATD and our greater community, academic engagement with dance, and choreographic expression.
ATD Honor Club is a chapter of the National Honor Society for Dance Arts, a program of the National Dance Education Organization. It is open to our highest level students who maintain a high GPA at school.
Photo Credits: Emma Ottosen, @emottosenphotos on Instagram
Community Service
Members teach dance classes to children who would not otherwise be able to access them, at a Seattle Housing Authority site and at the Ronald McDonald House. Members also facilitate Love Your Body Week, a body-positive and body-neutral celebration of all of the amazing things our bodies can do. Love Your Body Week began at All That Dance in 2005 and is now a national event through NDEO.
Choreographic Expression
Members produce their own evening-length show each winter, Student Choreography Showcase, and choreograph collaboratively for spring recitals. NHSDA holds a scholarship competition each year - the NHSDA Artistic Merit, Leadership and Academic Achievement Award. To date our chapter has had two state-level winners and one national winner.