Questions about our Tuition Payments Structure? Click Here!
Class Tuition
Spring Tuition will be charged in six payments, calculated by the number of classes that meet in a given month. At the time of registration or auto-enrollment (if enrolled in Fall 2024), June Tuition will be charged. The remaining tuition payments will be as follows: January Tuition on January 2, February Tuition on February 1, March Tuition on March 1, April Tuition on April 1, and May Tuition on May 1. Summer Camp & Class Tuition will be charged in one installment, due at the time of registration.
In order to register online, families are required to enroll in autopay. The saved payment method will be automatically charged on each tuition payment date, as listed above. Please read on for more details, and feel free to reach out to our front desk at for any questions about autopay. All That Dance made the switch to monthly tuition payments in Fall 2023 because we believe it helps make dance more accessible to families.
Families have the option to pay in full at any time. To request to pay in full, please fill out this form after registering in Auto Pay and dropping a printed copy off at our front desk.
Families also have the option to withdraw from class(es) at any time. Please fill out the Withdrawal form before the 25th of the month to avoid future charges on your account. For Summer 2025 Camps & Classes: families must submit withrdawal request via the Withdrawal form by June 25, 2025 for refunds. If families wish to cancel their registration for Summer 2025 after this date, we will gladly shuffle your dancer to another camp or class that fits your family’s schedule.
Spring 2025 Tuition Breakdown
Performing Classes that meet Tuesday-Sunday
(based on 21 weeks)* |
(if a class meets 4 times in 1 month) |
Your monthly payment may vary depending on these factors:
*Session Length: Our Spring 2025 Semester is 21 weeks in length for Performing (5+) classes and 20 weeks in length for Preschool/Non-Performing classes. Monday classes are impacted by two no class days: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on January 20 and Memorial Day on May 26.
Multi-Class Discount: If you are signed up for multiple classes a week, a 5% discount is applied to each class beyond one. Highest priced class will be full price.
A Convenience Fee of 2.75% is applied to online Credit Card payments. ACH transactions incur a 1% plus $0.20 per transaction convenience fee. If you would like to avoid these fees, you can pay via cash or check. To indicate your intent to pay via check, please fill out this form.
Mentee Credit or Tuition Assistance - if you are a mentee or receiving tuition assistance, your payment may not reflect this exact breakdown. Mentees credits are input into your account every two months.
Auto-Pay will be run on the 1st of each month. For Spring 2025 Tuition: June Tuition will be charged at the time of auto-enroll (December 2) or at the time of registration (after December 2), January Tuition will be charged January 2, February Tuition will be charged February 2, March Tuition will be charged March 1, April Tuition will be charged April 1, and May Tuition will be charged May 1.
Registration Fee: $40 per family, per session. The Registration Fee is non-refundable.
Discounts: A 5% tuition discount will be applied for every additional class a dancer registers for. Please note: this discount is per dancer, not per family. The higher-priced class will be full price, and the additional classes you are enrolled in will have a 5% discount, per dancer. We do not offer a discount for paying in full.
Late Payment Fee: Auto-pay may fail if your payment method is not up to date. If your payment fails, you will receive a notification email. Our Operations Manager may also reach out to you with a reminder to update your payment method. If your tuition payment is not received by the 10th of the month, a $25 late fee will be added to your account. If your auto-pay fails twice in one semester, a $50 fee fee will be added to your account. If auto-pay fails three times in a semester, a $75 fee will be added to your account and you will no longer be eligible for monthly payments. At this time, you must pay the semester tuition in full at registration in order to continue in class.
Prorating: If you join after the start of the session, you will only be charged for remaining classes during the month enrolled. Standard payment will ensue for the remainder of the session.
Convenience Fee: There is a 2.75% convenience fee for all Credit Card transactions. ACH transactions incur a 1% plus $0.20 per transaction convenience fee. If you would like to avoid these fee, you can pay in person via cash or check. To indicate your intent to pay via cash or check, please fill out this form.
Summer Session: Summer camp/class tuition is paid in full at the time of registration (no auto-pay).
Withdrawal: We hope you will let us find a better class for your dancer. However, in the event you would like to withdraw, please fill out our Withdrawal Request Form. You must submit this form by the 25th of the month in order to discontinue AutoPay being run on the 1st of the next month. Our $40 registration fee is non-refundable. For Spring 2025 Classes: Families who withdraw prior to December 25th will receive a refund or credit for the June Tuition that they paid upon registering. After December 25th, no refunds will be given unless tuition is paid in full (see below)—families who withdraw will not be charged future tuition, but are not eligible for a refund. Please note: the Registration Fee is non-refundable. For Summer 2025 Camps & Classes: families must submit withrdawal request via the Withdrawal form by June 25, 2025 for refunds. If families wish to cancel their registration for Summer 2025 after this date, we will gladly shuffle your dancer to another camp or class that fits your family’s schedule.
Paid in Full Refund Policy: No refunds will be given unless the family has paid in full and has requested to withdraw prior to the start date of the session (Spring 2025: January 5). Once a session has begun, families who have paid in full who would like to withdraw will receive a credit placed on their account for remaining classes.
Preschool/Non-Performing Classes Classes Tuesday-Sunday
(based on 20 weeks)* |
(if a class meets 4 times in 1 month) |
Performing Classes that meet Monday
**Monday Classes Meet 2 Fewer Times
(based on 21 weeks)* |
(if a class meets 4 times in 1 month) |
Preschool/Non-Performing Classes Classes that meet Monday
**Monday Classes Meet 2 Fewer Times
(based on 20 weeks)* |
(if a class meets 4 times in 1 month) |
Looking for Financial Assistance?
We are proud to offer both a Tuition Assistance Plan and a Tuition Payment Plan for dancers.
Click the button for more information on how to apply
Tuition FAQ
Here are some frequently asked questions regarding our monthly tuition payment structure. Don’t see your question answered? Send us an email at—we will be happy to help!
How do the monthly payments work? When will I be charged?
Spring Tuition will be charged in six payments, calculated by the number of classes that meet in a given month. For Spring 2025 Tuition: June Tuition will be charged at the time of auto-enroll (December 2) or at the time of registration (after December 2), January Tuition will be charged January 2, February Tuition will be charged February 2, March Tuition will be charged March 1, April Tuition will be charged April 1, and May Tuition will be charged May 1. Families are required to enroll in autopay upon registration, and their saved payment method will be automatically charged on the 1st of each month. Families can also opt to pay in full at the time of registration or at any time in the semester by filling out this form. Please reach out to the front desk at if you have any questions about autopay.
Summer Camp & Class Tuition will be charged in one installment, due at the time of registration.
How much will I be charged each month?
On the First of each month, you will be charged tuition for the number of classes occurring in the month you are scheduled to pay for. See the breakdown below to see an example payment schedule.
Here is an example:
Your dancer is in Creative Ballet (a 55 minute class) on Saturdays
For the month of October, there are 4 Saturday classes
Price per class:
45min class: $322/14 weeks - $23/per class
55min/1hr class: $350/14 weeks - $25/per class
1.25hr class: $378/14 weeks - $27/per class
1.5hr class: $406/14 weeks -$29/per class
$25 times 4 weeks in October= $100 October tuition payment, charged October 1
Am I being charged a convenience fee?
All That Dance charges a 2.75% convenience fee on all credit card charges. ACH transactions incur a 1% plus $0.20 per transaction convenience fee. To avoid these fee, you are welcome to request to pay via check/cash by filling out this form.
Will tuition be prorated if I enroll after the session begins?
Tuition will be prorated once the session begins – families will only be charged tuition for classes that remain in that month, and then will be charged the full amount for any subsequent months using the payment schedule shown above.
Is there a discount for enrolling in multiple classes? Which class receives the discount?
A 5% tuition discount will be applied for every additional class a dancer registers for. Please note: this discount is per dancer, not per family. The higher-priced class will be full price, and the additional class(es) you are enrolled in will have a 5% discount, per dancer.
Do I get a discount for paying in full?
There is not a discount for paying in full at this time.
Is it possible to pay for the rest of the tuition in full mid-session?
Yes, this is possible! Please reach out to the front desk and fill out our alternative payment form, and we will charge you the remaining balance.
If I paid for the next month but I end up wanting to drop the class, will I get a refund? What if I paid for the session in full but would like to withdraw?
We hope that we can find a better class for your dancer, but in the event you would like to withdraw, please fill out our Withdrawal Request Form. You must submit this form by the 25th of the month in order to discontinue Auto Pay being run on the 1st of the next month. If you withdraw by September 10, any tuition paid will be refunded.