DDA Policies & Information
DDA Cancellation Policy:
Through agreeing to use DDA Respite hours for classes at ATD and AIM, you agree to the following terms and conditions. ATD and AIM have a limited allotment of class availability and enrollment is based on availability and confirmation by staff.
DDA Authorization for Release:
As a family opting to use DDA Respite Hours you must complete an authorization for release of information from your case manager. This provides us with additional information which allows us to best serve each student based on their unique strengths and needs.
DDA General Billing Info:
Case managers will be billed at the end of the session, using the hourly reimbursement rate for each class based on the eight week session. If we continue to see trends of early arrivals, or late pick-ups that fall outside of our 15-minute window, you will be notified. In some situations, we will begin to bill DDA units for this additional time in which students are under teacher supervision.